

Rayk Goetze lives and works in Leipzig
born in 1964 in Stralsund, East Germany

  • 1975 – 81
  • college of physical education, Potsdam
  • 1981 – 84
  • steelshipbuilder and A-levels, Rostock
  • undersea navy diver with the Volksmarine
  • from 1991
  • studies of painting at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig with Prof. Arno Rink und Neo Rauch
  • 1995 – 96
  • studies at Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence, Italy
  • 1997
  • Diploma in Fine Art and 2000 Postgraduate studies with Prof. Arno Rink, Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig